


Enter the second half of June, but every day the rain seems to be the rainy season we have little rain is continuing. Rice planting of the archipelago seems almost over, but the feeling that seems to have an adverse impact on rice rain is not rain so much.

The Tsunashima user for the annual kitchen seminar from 11:00 this morning. Most of the people I apply for from the HomePage of nine customers. It is a seminar that has continued for five years already, but it's characteristic of your age will be attending a few years here's been rejuvenated. And those who will be attending two people there are many young people.

After the seminar, hide the attendance office in Shibuya. Renovations If I peek in front of the station to "Matsukawa" I thought to try the eel lunch of hot weather pay. So it is not put in the full house if you think a set meal of fried whale in "Kujira-ya". 960 yen ramen lunch of rice balls with dumplings and in the "KAMKURA". Ramen here is very delicious Chinese cabbage may not contain a lot. (hide)

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CERA MilanoSaloneTrendSeminar2014とRIVIERAショールームのリニューアルオープン

5時から六本木東京ミッドタウン・カンファレンスルームでCERA TRADING主催のミラノサローネトレンドセミナー2014が開かれ、参加してきた。

Milan Salone trend seminar 2014 of CERA TRADING sponsored opened in Roppongi, Tokyo Midtown Conference Room from 5:00, it has participated.
If there is a participant of more than 100 people, the trend of BAGNO (bathroom) was the main, but was able to hear the story turned out to quite. Thank you!

After that, I've been participating in the renewal party showrooms of imported tile Shinjuku Naruko Sakashita and friends of the "RIVIERA". It's showrooms I visit for the first time, but quite wonderful tile is substantial. Tonight was also the unveiling of the brand new tile RIVIERA of "TERRA". I think it's a chance to rethink the world of tile old and new.
After the party, toast in the sushi restaurant in NishiShinjuku of seven friends! Thank you for a good time. (hide)

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3時から毎月恒例のツナシマキッチンセミナープロ向けが開催され、今日のお客様は8名の方々。非常に熱心に受講していただいた。 7時前に終わった後、麻布十番のレストラン「WAKANUI GRILL DINING」で開かれたニュージーランド牧草牛トークショー&ディナーに招かれtamiとふたりで参加してきた。 最強の赤身牛肉とも言われるニュージーランドの牧草牛の魅力についてトークショーがあり、そのあとフードコーディネータ「みなくち なほこ」さんによる家庭で美味しくニュージーランド牧草牛を焼くコツの実演。そのあとフルコースのディナーが振る舞われた。牧草牛のラグー+NZ産マスカルポーネのアミューズ、前菜に牧草牛もも肉のタタキ、メインディッシュに牧草牛フィレ肉のグリル+二種類のアスパラ添え、デザートにパブロバとホーキーポーキーアイスクリーム、バゲットとコーヒーというメニューで、なかなか素晴らしい味のNZ牧草牛を堪能させていただいた。ご馳走さまでした!(hide)

Held the seminar Tsunashima kitchen professional annual monthly from 3:00, customers today the person of the eight people. I had you attended with great enthusiasm.
After finished in 7:00 before, and has participated in between the two of tami invited to New Zealand pasture cattle talk show & dinner it is opened restaurant in AzabuJuban "WAKANUI GRILL DINING".
There is a talk show about the charm of cattle pasture in New Zealand, also referred to as lean beef the strongest demonstration of trick to burn the New Zealand pasture cattle delicious home after the food coordinator by "Minakuchi Nahoko"'s.
Full-course dinner was served after that. Served with asparagus grill + two types of grass beef tenderloin seared grass beef round, the main dish, the menu Hokey Pokey ice cream and pavlova, that coffee and baguette for dessert amuse of ragout + NZ production mascarpone pasture cattle, appetizers, and I am allowed to enjoy the NZ pasture cattle quite wonderful taste. Was a feast! (Hide)

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