


Medical examination of regular from early morning. Order to pay for medical expenses came to be controlled by the computer all from visits to Chofu TOHZAN hospital's new, that the visit time to wait more than two hours, even side by side from eight o'clock In the past although seemed to be the course , and can receive medical examination without wait half an hour if I go to the time it was decided now.
More time to get a prescription medicine in the pharmacy has become rather rests.
Sunset of the way home that went shopping evening stains great color, and enjoyed the sunset of 2chome, rather than just 3chome. (hide)

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トーヨーキッチン今年の新作はIno Puglia

昨年から始まったキーワードは「旅」。昨年は北欧フィンランドのオーロラがテーマだったが、今年のテーマは南イタリアの「Pugliaプーリア」。巨大なオリーブの古木が生い茂るこの地にインスパイアされたキッチンが今年の新作「Ino Puglia」だ。(hide)

Of the morning weather was clear and sunny as well, the day of the vernal equinox of rough weather thick clouds takes around noon, blue sky that spread again the evening. 2014 new product launches of Toyo Kitchen & Living is opened.
Keyword that began last year "journey". Aurora Nordic Finland was the theme last year, Southern Italy This year's theme is "Puglia". New this year the kitchen was inspired to this land of huge old olive lush is it "Ino Puglia". (hide)

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The good rain after a long time in the morning. But rather than cold rain like until now, can I feel the smell of spring somewhere.
Huge billboard in Shibuya H&M was replaced. I just changed to the Nordic model from Asian model until now, but I think Northern Europe will lead to image most models of H&M after all.
"Meat & Tofu" ENGAWA lunch today 800 yen. The taste was delicious but quite it is preferable that a diet recipe more than anything. (hide)

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The 5:00 wake-up for the first time in a long time too! Business trip to Nagoya Shinkansen 9:00 before. Tokyo Station was sunny but cloud becomes thicker from when I was past the Yokohama, blue sky looked again Nagoya.
Lunch MisoKatsu lunch specialties in misokatsuya Kamo city.
Business trip of dragonfly way home meeting tomorrow because the refrain after the meeting until the evening. It is because I want to look at the room of a little more time because it came out to Nagoya much trouble.

Dinner Shinkansen. Makunouchi sushi tonight, "leaf sushi persimmon mackerel", "thick rolled sushi," "salmon flakes warship", "pressed sushi salmon," "beef Uman vinegared rice with thin strips of egg, pieces of raw fish, vegetables and crab meat arranged on top", "sushi shrimp and egg", "boiled" side dishes "lots of very "kamaboko", "grilled salmon", "chicken teriyaki", "vinegar lotus root", "a dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar", "boiled black beans", "sweet and sour ginger" and "bamboo dumpling" omelet! I think 1,000yen is a thing of the now quite. Towards the pass almost taste! (hide)

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