KREIS & Companyが新しくbulthaupキッチンを日本市場に再上陸させた訳だ。そのシステムと端正な商品の完成度とは群を抜いており、これからの日本市場でどのようにブランド構築させていくのか期待が高まる。
After it rained a little on November 15, the day the cozy Sunny followed almost every day. Sunlight is soft Indian summer morning. It's just right Suites by also dried persimmon because it is the outside air temperature of 15 ° or less.
Pistil of crimson is open flower opens even saffron. Bud of aloe has grown.
Lunch was opened in the 30th last weekend in the "BOHEMIA". Sofa spacious spread in the open space of the vestibule at the store store design of exotic comfortable is also a pretty good feeling.
Logo are beautiful, but there is a core of moderate boiled pasta lunch of tomato and clam is too solid a little unfortunately. Well is not anything core is left so far to say that al dente. A little higher than even the of 1000 yen This is the shop around. I think I should I thought the menu a little more content is good.
Bulthaup kitchen showroom, also referred to as Germany's highest rank on the second floor Mitsukoshi House Minami-Aoyama facing Omotesando antique street was opened. It was withdrawn from the Japanese market management of TOTO does not work about 10 years ago, but the reason that KREIS & Company, which has continued selling Italy MInottiCucine upstairs San Marino Shiodome was re-landed in the Japanese market Bulthaup kitchen new 's. It has by far the and completeness of the product and the system, expected increases how they go to brand building in the Japanese market in the future.
Also tonight, and go home to significantly exceed the Cinderella time and to enjoy a second meeting, a third-order meeting with members of our industry that was coming! Thank you for your relationship until late. (hide)(hide)
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