店内地下には食材やキッチン用品、キッチン家電と並んでオーダーキッチンが展示されている。数年前から話題になっているエココンクリート製の本体に鋳物ホーローシンクがはめ込まれている。MUJIは先日ネット販売のステンレスキッチンメーカーSANWA Companyと提携したことが話題になっていたが、このキッチンはどうやらキッチン用品の展示台として使っているようだ。
This week, such as rain squall occasionally rain, but fine weather reminiscent of rainy season continues. Matrix When I went to CoCo Ichibanya I thought curry is best such a day. ‥ ‥ think whether the same people.
After walking for the first time in a long time Koen-dori, RAKUTEN CAFE seems to have opened on May 29 in place until now was a fashion building. It seems sticky and somehow entered the design of the entrance is like a office building. It seems pretentious because it is first opened to Koen-dori, but it is not visible appearance in the store, I do not think it is likely to last long, unfortunately.
Building, which has changed the business category at a dizzying pace that was in the side of the Parco Seibu parking lot across the street has become the entire MUJI. In the 29 November opening at the end of last year, it seems there is only after all MUJI also store development of SeibuGroup.
Order kitchen are on display alongside ingredients and kitchen utensils, and kitchen appliances to store underground. Enamel cast iron sink is fitted to the main body of the eco-concrete that has become a hot topic for several years. By working with stainless Kitchen SANWA Company of net sales the other day had been talking about the MUJI, but the kitchen seems to be used as a display stand kitchenware apparently.
Lunch of slow eye RoyalgardenCafe eventually mean that in. (Hide)
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