セミナーのあとは渋谷事務所に戻って仕事。東横線渋谷駅のあとはshibuya parkと名付けて3日間の公開がされている。しっかり120円の入場料を取っているが長蛇の列が並んでいた。ハチ公前の桜も満開で春休み中の若者たちで大にぎわいだ。(hide)
Todays Tsunashima kitchen seminars for users was 12 persons from 11 am until 2 o'clock, Become popular for users of the seminar from last year, thank you, just once a month will not answer the request , has been increasing twice in both April and March.
After the seminar work back to the office in Shibuya. After the Toyoko Line Shibuya Station published 3 days it has been named shibuya station park.
Were lined with a long line is taking an entrance fee of 120 yen firm.
It is crowded with young people before the cherry blossoms in full bloom during spring break at Hachiko. (hide)
セミナーのあとは渋谷事務所に戻って仕事。東横線渋谷駅のあとはshibuya parkと名付けて3日間の公開がされている。しっかり120円の入場料を取っているが長蛇の列が並んでいた。ハチ公前の桜も満開で春休み中の若者たちで大にぎわいだ。(hide)
Todays Tsunashima kitchen seminars for users was 12 persons from 11 am until 2 o'clock, Become popular for users of the seminar from last year, thank you, just once a month will not answer the request , has been increasing twice in both April and March.
After the seminar work back to the office in Shibuya. After the Toyoko Line Shibuya Station published 3 days it has been named shibuya station park.
Were lined with a long line is taking an entrance fee of 120 yen firm.
It is crowded with young people before the cherry blossoms in full bloom during spring break at Hachiko. (hide)

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