ちょうど2年前から使いはじめたSONYのデジカメ「Cybershot DSC-RX100」の調子が数日前からおかしい。電源を入れてもレンズが開かなかったり、OFFの状態なのにいきなりレンズが飛び出してきたり、シャッターを押してから画像記録に時間がかかるなど不具合が多い。残念ながらSonyのサービスセンターは品川か秋葉原にしかなく、家電品などと一緒に持ち込まれるためカメラの修理に非常に手間取る。十年くらい前にビデオカメラの修理で懲りた経験があったので、ヨドバシカメラに持ち込んで修理依頼。1万円以上かかる場合は連絡をもらうことにして預けたため、再び5年前のCanonのPowerShotG10を持ち出して撮影。毎日100枚以上の撮影をするので、耐久力に問題があるのかもしれない。(hide)
ちょうど2年前から使いはじめたSONYのデジカメ「Cybershot DSC-RX100」の調子が数日前からおかしい。電源を入れてもレンズが開かなかったり、OFFの状態なのにいきなりレンズが飛び出してきたり、シャッターを押してから画像記録に時間がかかるなど不具合が多い。残念ながらSonyのサービスセンターは品川か秋葉原にしかなく、家電品などと一緒に持ち込まれるためカメラの修理に非常に手間取る。十年くらい前にビデオカメラの修理で懲りた経験があったので、ヨドバシカメラに持ち込んで修理依頼。1万円以上かかる場合は連絡をもらうことにして預けたため、再び5年前のCanonのPowerShotG10を持ち出して撮影。毎日100枚以上の撮影をするので、耐久力に問題があるのかもしれない。(hide)
Attendance the first day of the three day weekend. It had become a makeover before the month is not Huge advertising of H&M.
Military fashion of women who do not look only to the combat uniform no matter how you look at it is, ‥‥ Is it a fashion unique take snuff sensitive to the trend of the times now to try to affirm the war.
It was the 1st and autumnal of Sunny Following yesterday, thunder roar is Chofu from earlier, heavy rain began to fall. Autumnal day is not followed by hard this year.
There was sprinkled with students of Aomori "Aomori Nebuta Festival" in Shibuya center street in the evening. This festival is also celebrated its 10th year already, but it's drawback is the lack of climax. Starfish Center Gai also unchanged from Saturday usually, people who point the camera to the column of dancing much more.
Tone of SONY digital camera that has started using from 2 years ago of "Cybershot DSC-RX100" is funny from a few days ago. Failure is often time-consuming and the image recording lens may not open when I turn on the power, lens or gone out suddenly it is still in the state is OFF, pressing the shutter. Not only in Akihabara or Shinagawa service center of Sony Unfortunately, take time to very repair of the camera because it is brought together with such as household appliances. Because there was experience repair of the video camera before about ten years, repair request brought to Yodobashi Camera. Because it was entrusted with that you get in touch if it takes 10,000 yen or more, shooting brought out the PowerShotG10 of Canon of five years ago again. Since the shooting of 100 sheets or more every day, there may be a problem in durability. (hide)
******************************************************Military fashion of women who do not look only to the combat uniform no matter how you look at it is, ‥‥ Is it a fashion unique take snuff sensitive to the trend of the times now to try to affirm the war.
It was the 1st and autumnal of Sunny Following yesterday, thunder roar is Chofu from earlier, heavy rain began to fall. Autumnal day is not followed by hard this year.
There was sprinkled with students of Aomori "Aomori Nebuta Festival" in Shibuya center street in the evening. This festival is also celebrated its 10th year already, but it's drawback is the lack of climax. Starfish Center Gai also unchanged from Saturday usually, people who point the camera to the column of dancing much more.
Tone of SONY digital camera that has started using from 2 years ago of "Cybershot DSC-RX100" is funny from a few days ago. Failure is often time-consuming and the image recording lens may not open when I turn on the power, lens or gone out suddenly it is still in the state is OFF, pressing the shutter. Not only in Akihabara or Shinagawa service center of Sony Unfortunately, take time to very repair of the camera because it is brought together with such as household appliances. Because there was experience repair of the video camera before about ten years, repair request brought to Yodobashi Camera. Because it was entrusted with that you get in touch if it takes 10,000 yen or more, shooting brought out the PowerShotG10 of Canon of five years ago again. Since the shooting of 100 sheets or more every day, there may be a problem in durability. (hide)
SONY SyberShot RX100
再登板のCanon G10
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