


Start the preparations from the beginning of October, after a long process of air-dried and smoked, without salt salted bacon of the best has been completed.
・Buy, behind the counter in the basement OdakyuHalc, the pork belly which is always buy Hanamasa October 13. What is less fat pork and domestic reasons for the changes.
・Rub with plenty of natural salt-October 14, repeatedly rosemary, bay leaf, black pepper, wrapped in a PichittoSheet, salted ziblock put in the refrigerator.
・2 days without salt spring water to the bucket, and the salted meat between November 13, just a month.
・November 15, along with the dried persimmon, dried and air-dried into baskets. The optimum temperature to air dry, so I fell once.
・ Since it began to rain in the afternoon on November 17, moved to work smoke. Maintained at 80 degrees in an electric stove in a bucket of tin and hot smoked for 6 hours to set the coarse sugar and wood smoke.
6 pm today, too, smoked completed! Make sure to taste the slice. It's a superb Completion of bacon. (hide)





6時半からオーストリア大使館商務部のマルティン・グラッツ参事官邸会場で、オーストリアのキッチン金具メーカー ブルム社の60周年記念レセプションが開かれた。
バイオリニストの石川綾子さんとピアニストの吉川亜矢子さんの素晴らしい演奏を聞きながらオーストリアのワインと料理をたっぷり堪能させていただいた。二次会は麻布十番駅近くのMancy's Tokyoで大いに盛り上がって昨夜に続いてシンデレラタイム!お疲れ様でした。

House Martin Gratz Counsellor at the venue of the Austrian Embassy Commercial Section, reception commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Austrian kitchen fittings manufacturer「 blum」 was opened from 6:30.

Nearly 50 participants faces many people working in the kitchen industry, greatly raised.
I was happy to enjoy plenty of wine and food while listening to the wonderful performance of Ayako Yoshikawa violinist and pianist Ayako Ishikawa. Cinderella time last night after-party following the highly excited by Mancy's Tokyo near Azabu Juban station! Were cheers for good work.






Persimmon peeled to the night work yesterday, shining in the morning sun. It took nearly a month until the bitter sweet is missing, Completion of exquisite dried persimmons this season is the most fun.

Tsunashima Kitchen seminars from 11 am,  two seminars Credo Kitchen Seminar was held from 3:30 pm. Has been a remarkable recent customers new demand will be participating for the user, has become so popular seminars face a barrage of questions.
Seminars of Credo kitchen but professional seminars, often you learn everything, I was also very excited today. Thank you everyone who join us. (hide)


