お口直しに帰りは恵比寿駅近くの台湾料理「京県樓(JIN DIN ROU)」で小籠包のランチ。担々麺と小籠包、チャーハンと小籠包のふたつのホリデーランチ@1500円を注文。残念ながら最初にこの店ができた頃と少し味が変わり、一寸残念だった。(hide)
Saturday blue sky peeps out from time to time. I was easy to pull off a great deal highest temperature in Tokyo also was like 28 degrees or less. I've watched it flush with tami the World Press Photo Exhibition being held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Ebisu up to 4 days in August.
Coming remainder is small inner circle home of Shibuya station, but an little surprised ramen yatai of Nissin Food Products. It was late morning, but had been able to matrix of about five people.
The World Press Photo Exhibition, there was also work to be impressed beautifully, but that sadness and anger of war civilians Palestine and Syria is in dire sacrifice is looming in many cases, the climate, such as affirming the war it is a reality to what we advocate and politicians recently to advertise, I want you to watch carefully.
Return lunch of small basket parcel "JIN DIN ROU" in Taiwan cuisine of Ebisu station close to the palate freshener. I ordered the Holiday Ranch at 1500 yen of two small basket parcel and tantanmen, and fried rice. Taste changes and a little time this store was able to first Unfortunately, it was disappointing an little. (hide)
お口直しに帰りは恵比寿駅近くの台湾料理「京県樓(JIN DIN ROU)」で小籠包のランチ。担々麺と小籠包、チャーハンと小籠包のふたつのホリデーランチ@1500円を注文。残念ながら最初にこの店ができた頃と少し味が変わり、一寸残念だった。(hide)
Saturday blue sky peeps out from time to time. I was easy to pull off a great deal highest temperature in Tokyo also was like 28 degrees or less. I've watched it flush with tami the World Press Photo Exhibition being held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Ebisu up to 4 days in August.
Coming remainder is small inner circle home of Shibuya station, but an little surprised ramen yatai of Nissin Food Products. It was late morning, but had been able to matrix of about five people.
The World Press Photo Exhibition, there was also work to be impressed beautifully, but that sadness and anger of war civilians Palestine and Syria is in dire sacrifice is looming in many cases, the climate, such as affirming the war it is a reality to what we advocate and politicians recently to advertise, I want you to watch carefully.
Return lunch of small basket parcel "JIN DIN ROU" in Taiwan cuisine of Ebisu station close to the palate freshener. I ordered the Holiday Ranch at 1500 yen of two small basket parcel and tantanmen, and fried rice. Taste changes and a little time this store was able to first Unfortunately, it was disappointing an little. (hide)
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