昨夜は名古屋栄にあるUNIZO INNの泊まった。渋谷の事務所近くでテラスランチをとるRoyalGardenCafeの上にUNIZOがあるため何となく親近感がある。
I stayed at UNIZO INN in Nagoya Sakae last night. There is a sense of closeness somehow because there is UNIZO on RoyalGardenCafe terrace to take lunch at the office near the Shibuya.
But breakfast is only a brief morning set at Tully's Coffee on the first floor, and a little unsatisfactory.
Do not down up the stairs more than 10 times on Sakae up to until the subway Higashiyama Line from Nagoya Station, walk endlessly. Angry When I caught a carry bag for of course, also climbing escalator down escalator neither. And not be called absolutely a city-friendly handicapper and aging society. And difficult to understand also very subway guide display of Nagoya, it was just wondering if you ride the subway for the first time in a long time. I thought Nagoya person is patient considerably.
Nagoya Station "Dai Nagoya Building" has also risen 12floor. Showroom of Kitchen Studio seems to enter as well as the Grand front building which is adjacent to JR Osaka Station is also here.
Compared for taste and miso stew in the Esca underground mall of the day before "Yamamotoya Honten", lunchtime miso stew is in the 13th floor of the JR Central Towers "Yamamotoya Sohonke". 2,300 yen put pickles and rice and parent-child miso noodle stew of Nagoya Cochin filled!
I think the taste is different depending on preference, but more of the Sohonke felt a little thick. (hide)

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