毎年恒例のAllAbout RED BOWL JAPAN大会が昼過ぎから、DNP五反田ビルのレストラン会場で開かれ、200人近いAllAboutのガイドが参加して盛大に開かれた。
From early afternoon, AllAbout RED BOWL JAPAN annual tournament will be held at the venue's restaurant building Gotanda DNP, was opened in grand style guide AllAbout nearly 200 people participating.
In the great building located on the first floor is the DNP Museum Lab was started seven years ago as a joint venture with Louvre, I have the honor of seeing we have only a little before the beginning of the tournament. I did not know at all that there's such a wonderful Museum in Gotanda.
Intent and equity participation AllAbout, from future objectives of the company's business report will be discussed by the president Ebata and editor-in-chief Nishimura and competition for a description of future business the executive director Morino of the DNP, began a capital tie-up from last year There is, he let me enjoy the feast while enjoying plenty of social gatherings and then.
Many of the guides to meet you for the first time in a year, the talk was lively conversation and fun. Staffs that are responsible, cheers for good work.
After REDBOWL, the after-party 10 people participated in the bar "SOZAIYA" near Gotanda Station! To adjournment time has passed so quickly here! Thank you for a great time everyone. (tami & hide)
From early afternoon, AllAbout RED BOWL JAPAN annual tournament will be held at the venue's restaurant building Gotanda DNP, was opened in grand style guide AllAbout nearly 200 people participating.
In the great building located on the first floor is the DNP Museum Lab was started seven years ago as a joint venture with Louvre, I have the honor of seeing we have only a little before the beginning of the tournament. I did not know at all that there's such a wonderful Museum in Gotanda.
Intent and equity participation AllAbout, from future objectives of the company's business report will be discussed by the president Ebata and editor-in-chief Nishimura and competition for a description of future business the executive director Morino of the DNP, began a capital tie-up from last year There is, he let me enjoy the feast while enjoying plenty of social gatherings and then.
Many of the guides to meet you for the first time in a year, the talk was lively conversation and fun. Staffs that are responsible, cheers for good work.
After REDBOWL, the after-party 10 people participated in the bar "SOZAIYA" near Gotanda Station! To adjournment time has passed so quickly here! Thank you for a great time everyone. (tami & hide)
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