Today, May followed by the warmth of the wave, the people of the court appearance has become less, people wearing masks has increased overwhelmingly.
Redevelopment plan in near Chofu Station is like suddenly became concrete, demolition of houses and buildings of the corner cases of Yellow Chinese Restaurant has become earnest. I think I would simply pour water or even a large amount of fine dust scattered from the demolition site as well as pollen.
Kitchen Tsunashima seminar will be held at 11, we had the participation of 13 people everyone of the end user. It came also families with young children, and the seminar was greatly raised almost without fuss.
hide the afternoon work back to the office in Shibuya. Shibuya Hachiko before has become reminiscent of summer attire. 850 yen lunch set meal of fried spicy eggplant and pork in the "RyunoHige" Taiwanese cuisine for the first time in a long time.
Also with almond jelly for dessert after the photo. It is amazing lunch of volume. (hide)
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