

Now that I have finally settled down advertising work continued until late last night, We've enjoyed walking Jindai Botanical Park of Sunny until aligned with tami for the first time in a long time.
Pink flowers are in full bloom on the tree of Tung Musashisakai street is fully equipped. Jindai Botanical park was crowded enough to be matrix ticket office. Rose garden in full bloom was surprised by the wave of people in particular.
 Rice balls filled with pickled  Moriguchi radish we bring in the rose garden bench. Meal to eat outside is pleasant after all.
Shadow of light leaking from the trees around the fresh green reminiscent of Musashino provide us a great forest bathing and deviates little from Rose Garden also in the park.
Return finished praying to the animal cemetery and Jindaiji. Even so, was the day they were surprised by the large number of people who seems to be the same age and we. (hide)

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Day of rain last night is clear and crisp like a lie. I went to RoyalGardenCafe before noon at the thought of such a day lunch and outdoor course, terrace fully booked by the difference of the moment.
Pasta lunch at the table felt the air closest to the terrace. It was the same menu pasta I said the other day unpalatable.

Dried bonito of Makurazaki production to sharpen every morning, had divided into two and biting into. When I bring to NINBEN, here, did not you? Got off by part equal to the bone. I had to replace it with a new dried bonito to say I will exchange. Have you had to replace the dried bonito that would split into two before I noticed when I just bought earlier you are using, but it dried bonito like this you can not determine the only appearance hit you, for Makurazaki and NINBEN I think it's a disgrace.
I think I want you to thorough quality control. (hide)

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雨の降り始めた6時半から六本木ヒルズにあるグランドハイアット東京2fの宴会場で、ドイツ ノルトライン・ヴェストファーレン州最大の都市ケルン市と京都市との姉妹都市提携50周年を記念して、ケルン市から来られた代表団と日本の財界人との交流を深めるための夕食会に招かれて参加してきた。今夜のメニューは、一皿目に自家製サーモンのマリネ ホワイトアスパラのブーケサラダ ベーコンのクリスピー、イベリコ豚ハム白インゲン豆と季節野菜のスープ、メインディッシュに牛フィレ肉のグリル 季節の温野菜、デザートにストロベリーのクーリー フロマージュブランムース。ご馳走たっぷりで今夜も体重計に乗るのが怖い。(hide)

 Tsunashima Kitchen seminars for users was opened from 11:00, I have you participated in the people of six.
The tension was also different from the professional yesterday, it can be seen well from the fact the person who folded a loss in model selection of dishwasher imminent is very large.

In the banquet hall of the Grand Hyatt Tokyo 2f in the Roppongi Hills, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the sister city relationship with the Kyoto city and the city of Cologne, Germany NRW maximum from 6:30 that began to fall of rain, Cologne We have participated in the invitation to dinner to deepen exchanges with business leaders and Japanese delegation who came from the city.
Menu tonight, Marinated salmon,salad bouquet,Crispy bacon,tepenade cream,herb sause    Iberico ham,white bean and seasonal vegetable soup, Basil,Parmesan cheese    Grilled beef tenderloin,tarragon,Meaux grain mustard sause Creamed potatoes,steamed vegetable   Strawberry coulis, fromage blanc mousse and Coffee. Scared to ride on scales tonight at feast plentiful. (hide)

 NRW Dinner Party

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