
Mieleのお土産とSONY RX100の修理アップ

9月13日からヨドバシカメラに出していたSONY RX100の修理完了の連絡があり今朝一番に受け取りに行った。スイッチ基板の交換修理代19,800円はどう考えても高いと思うが、捨てて新しいコンデジを購入する訳にはいかないので泣き!


Did not report back since it has been late last night, souvenirs Miele new product launches mini cocotte of LeCreuset stoneware,. Are classified in stoneware in Japan, stoneware is fired at 1100 to 1250 degrees temperature zone in the middle of the porcelain and pottery.
Tint also quite beautiful, it's enjoyed as kitchen ware. Thank you Miele's!

I went to receive the most this morning there is a contact of the repair completion of SONY RX100 that were going to Yodobashi Camera from September 13. I think 19,800 yen exchange cost of repairs of the switch board is high no matter how you think, but crying does not help but want to purchase a new compact digi.camera throw away!

Shibuya Saturday morning is pretty crowded tourists is increasing. Korean and Chinese
tourists are many of course, but the sight of tourists european and India, Malaysian has come to stand out.
Lunch sandwiches Doutor. Breakfast for two days here because it was pancakes and rice, I would want to eat bread.
Morning glory during the long summer, made ​​me entertain the eye has finished flowering yesterday finally. And I thought it was trying to seed but little curiously. Does not seem to be bearing fruit potted flower of recent whether the genetic manipulation. (hide)

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This morning, fragrant aroma was wafting osmanthus garden began to bloom.
At Miele Center Omotesando venue from 13:00, dealers for new products to be launched in the Japanese market from the 24th next month have been performed. Convenience is shoud tell the press for presentation meeting held in August, became the participants of this time.
After they have opening in the performance of acrobatic dance, new dishwasher door is open in the double knock-Following the greeting of Matsubara president centerpiece of today.

Dinner at delicious sea foods & SAKE/Suigei in Shibuya Tamakyu interior designer Mis.TO. old friend,  Eco house architect Mr.MY. and Mis. HT Kitchen Studio of "Toyoura" from the evening. I was almost forget to indulge in the fun of the evening gathering. Thank you everyone had we gathered here! (hide)

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朝一番から清澄白河駅近くにあるニシザキ工芸へ。来週10月1日搬入、2日〜14日までOZONEで開催されるNEXT Eco Design展2014に出展する今年の「ECO KITCHEN 2014」の試作作品の最終チェックにお伺いした。できあがりはなかなかのモノ!
渋谷に戻りヒカリエランチは「招福門」で「香港飲茶とおかゆのセット1,404円!」なかなか旨かった。d42で開催中の「DESIGN BUSSAN2014」を見に行った。

Nishizaki Kohgei in Kiyosumishirakawa Metro Station from first thing in the morning. Carry-October 1 next week, I have to ask the final check of the work model to exhibit the NEXT Eco Design Exhibition 2014 to be held in OZONE up to 2 to 14 of this year of "ECO KITCHEN 2014". Finished mono quite!
Stay tuned! Please visit us at the venue.

" Porridge and HongKong YamuchaSet 1,404 yen" Was delicious with quite "SHOFUKUMON" is Hikarie lunch back to Shibuya. I went to see being held in the d42 "DESIGN BUSSAN2014".

Buy Oyama, Tochigi Prefecture Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which has been in the mood has become a local distributor "gourd shavings udon 540 yen". Dried noodles that have no idea elaborated mix powdery mildew and powder of dried gourd shavings exactly what taste.

I have been participating, held to be "revive us the precious wood" 12th TDC seminar in Tokyo Design Center from 19:00. Instructor Tokuda president of Tokuda precious wood in the Yoshino-gun, Nara Prefecture Kurotaki village.
That the design firm with an interest in precious wood is covered with 40 participants more than can feel. Thank you for a meaningful seminar. (hide)



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