Dismantling of the "RYUNOHIGE" was in attendance began developing in earnest. According to the announcement billboard, building product sales of four-story seems to be built.
The next building becomes full view doing this, oily smoke from the kitchen of the RYUNOHIGE remains in the corresponding wall. It is because you did not become well fire.
Finally go out of business world by storm and been going on for 23 years on the first floor of our apartment also "DMR". It is scheduled to enter new store construction later in this "HMV" also ends in mid-July start from next week.
It was a rainy afternoon from the weather forecast, but the rain fell at lunchtime certainly fine day also excluding time to time thereafter. Lunch 1,000 yen seafood pasta TapasTapas. The price of free drinks and soup, so get. (hide)
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