昼前に谷町三丁目にあるステンレスオーダーキッチンの「ルプ Lepur」を訪問し、ショールームを拝見しながら大阪のキッチン業界の最近の話題を聞かせていただいた。ショールームの片隅に京都の骨董品屋で見つけたと言う面白い木製の流し台が置かれている。
Last night, I stayed at a hotel UNIZO of yodoyabashi near the station.
The eating and drinking well to relish the friends of panasonic, Oden under guard of Osaka station, and excitement while drinking a lock of Gurandats at the bar of Kitashinchi, came back to the hotel after-party is past midnight. It was sleeping after finishing writing a blog am2:00 wake up this morning at 8:00!
Breakfast here in the Japanese buffet, have you quite well.
The visit of the stainless steel order kitcheni "Le pur" before noon, I have let the situation of recent kitchen industry of Osaka while I see in showroom. Sink of interesting wooden say that have found in antique shop in Kyoto in a corner of the showroom is located.
Lunch was treated to delicious ten percent buckwheat to best homemade noodle shop nearby. And taken care of in various ways, thank you.
And that there is shinkansen to Osaka first train direct to Kagoshima Central Station called "Sakura", and was surprised at Shin-Osaka Station 27 Line was opened from March 16 thing was new.
Upheaval of the first time around Osaka station was amazing too, but Osaka after a long time had changed a lot.
It has participated in NewStageOpeningReception meeting, in Tokyo Midtown Roppongi and Ebisu tami Returning to Tokyo five o'clock, she was meeting in Gotanda from early afternoon.
It is a sneak preview opening of new shops "Grusen" Makino trading importing and distributing the supplies and kitchen JosephJoseph unique design.
Then, dinner at Pizzeria along with the couple's second son just married that working in Roppongi. (hde)
昼前に谷町三丁目にあるステンレスオーダーキッチンの「ルプ Lepur」を訪問し、ショールームを拝見しながら大阪のキッチン業界の最近の話題を聞かせていただいた。ショールームの片隅に京都の骨董品屋で見つけたと言う面白い木製の流し台が置かれている。
Last night, I stayed at a hotel UNIZO of yodoyabashi near the station.
The eating and drinking well to relish the friends of panasonic, Oden under guard of Osaka station, and excitement while drinking a lock of Gurandats at the bar of Kitashinchi, came back to the hotel after-party is past midnight. It was sleeping after finishing writing a blog am2:00 wake up this morning at 8:00!
Breakfast here in the Japanese buffet, have you quite well.
The visit of the stainless steel order kitcheni "Le pur" before noon, I have let the situation of recent kitchen industry of Osaka while I see in showroom. Sink of interesting wooden say that have found in antique shop in Kyoto in a corner of the showroom is located.
Lunch was treated to delicious ten percent buckwheat to best homemade noodle shop nearby. And taken care of in various ways, thank you.
And that there is shinkansen to Osaka first train direct to Kagoshima Central Station called "Sakura", and was surprised at Shin-Osaka Station 27 Line was opened from March 16 thing was new.
Upheaval of the first time around Osaka station was amazing too, but Osaka after a long time had changed a lot.
It has participated in NewStageOpeningReception meeting, in Tokyo Midtown Roppongi and Ebisu tami Returning to Tokyo five o'clock, she was meeting in Gotanda from early afternoon.
It is a sneak preview opening of new shops "Grusen" Makino trading importing and distributing the supplies and kitchen JosephJoseph unique design.
Then, dinner at Pizzeria along with the couple's second son just married that working in Roppongi. (hde)
All About 最新記事のご案内です。興味ある記事をご覧ください。
日本の伝統調味料 煎り酒

簡単缶詰レシピ アレンジ4種
日本の伝統調味料 煎り酒



簡単缶詰レシピ アレンジ4種
■キッチン ガイドhideの最新記事はこちらです!

新時代のミニキッチン プロトタイプの発表

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