先週5日に注文してあった北海道・富良野の近藤農園から「King Ruby Eight」という名のメロンが届きました。facebook友達「北のフードソムリエ」北村さんのサイトから注文できる北海道の本物の味です。3日くらい経って蔓の部分が枯れてくると食べごろなんだそうです。押し花のしおりが嬉しいですね!
Mellon named "King Ruby Eight" from KondoFarm of Hokkaido Furano was the order has arrived in five days last week. is a real taste of Hokkaido. Its can be ordered from the site "Food sommelier of the North" a facebook friend's Kitamura. I'm glad pressed flower bookmarks!
I was surprised is its size. Error would be too heavy when it tries in the kitchen scale, there was one when measured 2.3kg weight!
Looking forward to the day a good appetite.
Mellon named "King Ruby Eight" from KondoFarm of Hokkaido Furano was the order has arrived in five days last week. is a real taste of Hokkaido. Its can be ordered from the site "Food sommelier of the North" a facebook friend's Kitamura. I'm glad pressed flower bookmarks!
I was surprised is its size. Error would be too heavy when it tries in the kitchen scale, there was one when measured 2.3kg weight!
Looking forward to the day a good appetite.
Sunny morning of heavy rain, such as such as late-night surprise was a lie! Maximum temperature is 31 degrees, unbearable heat and humidity is also steadily rising mercury in bonus.
Finally entered the final stage of the Keio Line underground construction, on the 19th of next month to switch to underground is carried out. Postcard in early August, but had also signed up for tours will be held in public, that was sent off in the lottery. Sorry!
I think that one last look at the month and even after this line, feel a little sentimental. Will this ever change around in the underground scene after it takes what? Mr. Nakagawa Heiichi who folded in the town of Chofu continue drawing between 45 years had been running a paintbrush towards the famous ramen restaurant in Chofu drawing today. (hide)
Finally entered the final stage of the Keio Line underground construction, on the 19th of next month to switch to underground is carried out. Postcard in early August, but had also signed up for tours will be held in public, that was sent off in the lottery. Sorry!
I think that one last look at the month and even after this line, feel a little sentimental. Will this ever change around in the underground scene after it takes what? Mr. Nakagawa Heiichi who folded in the town of Chofu continue drawing between 45 years had been running a paintbrush towards the famous ramen restaurant in Chofu drawing today. (hide)

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