セミナーのあとは一旦事務所に戻り、4時半から渋谷桜丘にある川上文代さんの料理教室「デリスドキュイエール」会場でStaubの新製品発表会と料理デモンストレーション、ストウブ公式レシピ本の出版記念会が開かれ、tamiと揃って参加してきた。新しいストウブの「ブレイザー ソテーパン」の魅力を余すところなく紹介してくれた素晴らしい発表会でした。(hide)
Tsunashima user-friendly kitchen seminar is opened from 11:00 this morning, customers today people of eight. Towards the timing of equipment selection imminent is often better for the user, heat can build up even in question.
Return to the office once after the seminars, cooking demonstrations and new product launches of Staub, the publication party Staub official recipe book cooking classes Kawakami Fumiyo's in Shibuya Sakuragaoka from 4:30 in the "Delice de Cuilleres" venue it is opened, it has participated in aligned with tami. It was a great recital that you introduced me to the very best charm of new Staub of "Blazer saute pan". (hide)
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