毎年この写真展は欠かさず観にいっているが、ひとつひとつの作品が訴えかけてくるドラマは、戦争、災害、差別、貧困、環境破壊、自然、極限など、いつまでたっても解決しないままのこの「おなじ時代、おなじ空の下に」繰り広げられている問題を私たちに訴えかけている。 来年からは会場が池袋の東京芸術劇場に変わるそうです。(hide)
We went to watch from the early afternoon with tami being held until August 3 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Ebisu the "World Press Photo Exhibition".
This photo exhibition is going to see each and every year, but still that does not work forever war, disaster, discrimination, poverty, environmental destruction, nature, extreme and, even after drama works one by one come to appeal to, "This same I appeal to our problem the times, under the same sky "has been waged. Venue is so changed to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space in Ikebukuro from next year. (hide)
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