昨夜泊まった岐阜駅前のビジネスホテルDormy innは一泊朝食がついて7,490円!朝食はバイキング形式でこんな様子。岐阜はその昔、繊維問屋の一大集積地を誇っていたそうだが、今は見る影もなく、駅周辺のアーケード街や問屋ビルはほとんど廃墟に近い状態になっている。地方都市の現状をひしひしと感じる。そんな中でも古い廃墟はまるでユトリロの絵を観ている感じがする。
Business Hotel Dormy inn of Gifuekimae where I stayed last night 7,490 yen per night breakfast sticks! Breakfast is this state in buffet style. In the old days, Gifu yeah boasted the major agglomerations of fiber wholesaler, but without a shadow that I see now, wholesaler and building arcade near the station is in a state close to the ruins almost. I feel To fully realize the current state of the local city. I feel that watching a picture of Utrillo totally to the old ruins among such.
Back to Nagoya Station evening around the workshop or factory of three places from early morning. When I come back to the first floor to buy lunch in the basement of a department store return of Takashimaya, large mural friend of Kyoto "Hideki Kimura" had become the sign of midyear sale. Tokyo Takashimaya since a few years ago, I can watch the picture of Kimura at Takashimaya across the country this year.
Lunch tonight ¥ 776 Tanabata Inari sushi named after Tanabata "Mametanuki". Inari of seven colors using the color of vegetables is pretty good.
I had on a souvenir Anfu-Sankira is in Konan City Hotei town was near the factory tour today of "Oguchi-ya". And I have also received three to teacake, so tasty too immediately after I return home. I know well because it was rather light dinner. Was a feast! (hide)
Business Hotel Dormy inn of Gifuekimae where I stayed last night 7,490 yen per night breakfast sticks! Breakfast is this state in buffet style. In the old days, Gifu yeah boasted the major agglomerations of fiber wholesaler, but without a shadow that I see now, wholesaler and building arcade near the station is in a state close to the ruins almost. I feel To fully realize the current state of the local city. I feel that watching a picture of Utrillo totally to the old ruins among such.
Back to Nagoya Station evening around the workshop or factory of three places from early morning. When I come back to the first floor to buy lunch in the basement of a department store return of Takashimaya, large mural friend of Kyoto "Hideki Kimura" had become the sign of midyear sale. Tokyo Takashimaya since a few years ago, I can watch the picture of Kimura at Takashimaya across the country this year.
Lunch tonight ¥ 776 Tanabata Inari sushi named after Tanabata "Mametanuki". Inari of seven colors using the color of vegetables is pretty good.
I had on a souvenir Anfu-Sankira is in Konan City Hotei town was near the factory tour today of "Oguchi-ya". And I have also received three to teacake, so tasty too immediately after I return home. I know well because it was rather light dinner. Was a feast! (hide)

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