Moss ball of carnivorous plant, which was brought to my friends in Osaka as "Nepenthes", "sundew" has arrived. I do not want to use as much as possible the kind of physician insecticide, although I'm glad they eat mosquitoes and flies really carnivorous plant.
The work at home today. Salted small turnips purple "Ayameyuki" because it was left in the lunch time. Spread all over the dish of the Iwate large leaf "Romaine", lunch Cheese peperoncino of organic pasta with garlic and pancetta handmade. In fact, was quite as impressed with us is finished. (hide)
Moss ball of carnivorous plant, which was brought to my friends in Osaka as "Nepenthes", "sundew" has arrived. I do not want to use as much as possible the kind of physician insecticide, although I'm glad they eat mosquitoes and flies really carnivorous plant.
The work at home today. Salted small turnips purple "Ayameyuki" because it was left in the lunch time. Spread all over the dish of the Iwate large leaf "Romaine", lunch Cheese peperoncino of organic pasta with garlic and pancetta handmade. In fact, was quite as impressed with us is finished. (hide)

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