今日から2日間tamiが大阪旅行に出かけたため、しばらくのシングルライフ。今夜は早速長男を呼び出して新橋烏森神社すぐ隣にある焼き鳥屋「華」で夕食。そのあと、南青山のBarRADIOで旨いバーボンGRAND DAD48Proofで乾杯!名物バーテンダーの尾崎さんに久しぶりにお会いした。(hide)
I've been participating product launches processing manufacturers of resin-based counter of "Dainichi Chemical" is opened Industrial Promotion Hall of Nishi in the "BIZ Shinjuku" from 10:00 early morning.
Descriptions and new products "Dekuton", and D space benefits sink DAN Dainichi Chemical original sink, human large molding of TOCLAS that sold tie new following the new color announced engineering Stone of Spain Cosentino, Inc. "missiles Stone" first and product description of the sink square sink DB has been made.
For two days tami went out to travel from Osaka today, single life for a while. The dinner yakitori restaurant located right next to Shinbashi Karasumori shrine by calling the eldest son immediately in "Hana" tonight. Then, toast with delicious bourbon GRAND DAD48Proof in BarRADIO of Minami Aoyama! I see you after a long time to Ozaki's famous bartender. (hide)
I've been participating product launches processing manufacturers of resin-based counter of "Dainichi Chemical" is opened Industrial Promotion Hall of Nishi in the "BIZ Shinjuku" from 10:00 early morning.
Descriptions and new products "Dekuton", and D space benefits sink DAN Dainichi Chemical original sink, human large molding of TOCLAS that sold tie new following the new color announced engineering Stone of Spain Cosentino, Inc. "missiles Stone" first and product description of the sink square sink DB has been made.
For two days tami went out to travel from Osaka today, single life for a while. The dinner yakitori restaurant located right next to Shinbashi Karasumori shrine by calling the eldest son immediately in "Hana" tonight. Then, toast with delicious bourbon GRAND DAD48Proof in BarRADIO of Minami Aoyama! I see you after a long time to Ozaki's famous bartender. (hide)
そのあと、南青山のBar RADIOで乾杯!
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