

There was early morning at 7:30 the third of AllAbout jibun college.
Kohji yeast is the theme this week.
We discussed how to arrange a convenient preparation of koji yeast salt.
I am pleased to everyone who listened very intently. (tami)
新社長の藤森氏の挨拶のあと、ショールームの新井館長から各フロアーの説明があり、続いて7階〜6階を見学。ワンフロアー25m×100mもある巨大なスペースにLIXILグループを構成するTOSTEM, INAX, SHINNIKKEI, SUNWAVE, TOEXの5社商品が一同に会した首都圏最大級のショールームです。
To the official opening from august 17 to floor 6-7 grand tower shinjuku, 3-minute walk from the station along the ohme street, tokyo metro nishi shinjuku station. Meeting for members of the press preview of "LIXIL tokyo showroom" is opened from 9:30, more than 200 participants gathered.
After the greeting of Mr. Fujimori's new president, there is a description of each floor of the showroom from the director Mr. Arai, tour the floor followed by 6 to 7 floor. Metropolitan area's largest showroom to configure LIXIL group is also one huge floor space 25m × 100m, INAX, SHINNIKKEI, SUNWAVE and TOEX.
Was held a talk show of emerging and Matsuyama Kenichi and Ryoko Hirosue new CM of LIXIL after the tour will be aired from tomorrow.
6時過ぎから代官山にあるEuromobil東京ショールームのリニューアルレセプションが開かれた。イタリアのキッチンデザインを代表するユーロモビルは「Living & Cooking」をコンセプトに、暮らしと調和する住空間を目指し、気分を穏やかにする「平行・垂直・水平」のラインを基調に、整然として連続性のあるシンプルでシャープなデザインでダイナミックな構成が魅力なキッチンだ。(hide)
Renewal reception party in Tokyo Euromobil cucina showroom from six o'clock has been opened.
Euromobil is the concept of "Living & Cooking"  representative of the kitchen design in Italy. The aim of living space in harmony with the living, to calm the mood of the "horizontal, vertical, parallel," continuity and orderly dynamic configuration is attractive in that kitchen with a simple and sharp design. (hide)


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