友人からクリンスイ仕込みという岩国の「獺祭」をいただいた。なんでも三菱レイヨンの浄水器クリンスイが発売30周年の記念にあの一癖ある銘酒「獺祭」とコラボして、クリンスイの超軟水仕込み「獺祭 純米大吟醸 磨き三割九分」という酒なんだそうだ。
Tonight a full moon with a little more warmth most of this year. That airy feel people who come and go the center street to Shibuya Station from office take off the coat.
I have received that Cleansui charged from a friend of the Iwakuni "DASSAI". Water purifier CLEANSUI of Mitsubishi Rayon is collaboration sake that that trait in commemoration of the 30 anniversary as "DASSAI" anything, I do a liquor called "30 percent nine minutes DASSAI Junmai Daiginjo SAKE" ultra-soft water charge of Cleanup Yeah.
I think I try to tomorrow evening drink chilled in the refrigerator tonight. Thank you! (hide)
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