
トーヨーキッチン今年の新作はIno Puglia

昨年から始まったキーワードは「旅」。昨年は北欧フィンランドのオーロラがテーマだったが、今年のテーマは南イタリアの「Pugliaプーリア」。巨大なオリーブの古木が生い茂るこの地にインスパイアされたキッチンが今年の新作「Ino Puglia」だ。(hide)

Of the morning weather was clear and sunny as well, the day of the vernal equinox of rough weather thick clouds takes around noon, blue sky that spread again the evening. 2014 new product launches of Toyo Kitchen & Living is opened.
Keyword that began last year "journey". Aurora Nordic Finland was the theme last year, Southern Italy This year's theme is "Puglia". New this year the kitchen was inspired to this land of huge old olive lush is it "Ino Puglia". (hide)

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