一週間くらい前から鼻がむずむずし始めて、昨年tamiが処方してもらった花粉症の薬「アレロック」を朝晩飲んでそれなりに回復していたつもりが、昨日の夜から本格的な花粉症に襲われた。 ベッドに入ってしばらくしてから鼻水が止まらなくなり、夜中に起きだして昨年使っていた売薬のパブロン鼻炎薬を飲んでようやく熟睡。
Going nose begins to itch from before about a week, it was restored in its own way to drink morning and evening medicine arerock of hay fever that tami has had formulated last year, was attacked by hay fever full-fledged from last night . Runny nose will not stop it after a while to enter the bed, sleep soundly at last to drink Pabron rhinitis over-the-counter drugs that have been used last year in place out in the middle of the night.
It was sunny in the weather forecast, but it was a cold day occasional light rain is covered with thick clouds all day, but the nose was stopped thanks to the medicine, but my head is heavy.
The stamina lunch time like this! But also at least 2,500 yen at lunch if I see a window of Unagi-ya "Matsukawa" front of Shibuya Station and mean that.
1,312 yen set meal with fried "KUJIRAYA" after all. Suppose we settle in this! (hide)
Going nose begins to itch from before about a week, it was restored in its own way to drink morning and evening medicine arerock of hay fever that tami has had formulated last year, was attacked by hay fever full-fledged from last night . Runny nose will not stop it after a while to enter the bed, sleep soundly at last to drink Pabron rhinitis over-the-counter drugs that have been used last year in place out in the middle of the night.
It was sunny in the weather forecast, but it was a cold day occasional light rain is covered with thick clouds all day, but the nose was stopped thanks to the medicine, but my head is heavy.
The stamina lunch time like this! But also at least 2,500 yen at lunch if I see a window of Unagi-ya "Matsukawa" front of Shibuya Station and mean that.
1,312 yen set meal with fried "KUJIRAYA" after all. Suppose we settle in this! (hide)

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