関西人のhideにはメンチカツと呼ぶのに少し抵抗を感じるので何故かと思って調べたところ、『近畿地方を中心とする西日本では、挽き肉をミンチ肉あるいはミンチと呼ぶことが東日本よりも多いため、ミンチで作るカツからそのまま「ミンチカツ」と呼ばれるようになった。大阪では「ミンチ肉のカツなのに『メンチ』と呼ぶのは、訛っているじゃないか」と考える人が多い。近畿地方で「メンチカツ」という呼称があまり使われない背景として、近畿方言で「メンチを切る(=睨みつけるの意)」という表現があることから、同音衝突を避けたとする俗説があるが、これはあくまで後から作られた冗談話である。』とWikipediaに書かれているが、 あながち冗談話ではない気もする。(hide)
Minimum temperature is 3 ° this morning ! Cold weather that followed , but the spring sunshine is strong , I want to go out to lunch after all the roof during the day . I ended up buying unintentionally "Menchikatsu " in front of the eye to order salmon lunch with mud samurai is lined . Many calories I wonder is this just ? The diet does not go as you wish easily.
Was examined by think why is because I feel a little resistance and to call the cutlet in the hide of Kansai people , in western Japan , which centered on " the Kinki region , since it is referred to as the mince or mince meat minced meat is more than the East , it came to be called " Minchikatsu " directly from cutlet to make with mince . Many people think " It's referred to as a"Menchikatsu " Though it is a cutlet of minced meat , do not you have an accent ," said in Osaka . As background designations of "Menchikatsu " is not used much in the Kinki region , since it is the expression " (meaning glare = ) to Menchi " in the Kinki dialect , there is a myth that it is assumed that avoid the same sound collision , but this is it is a joke talk made later only . It is written in the Wikipedia " , I feel it is not a joke story altogether also want to . (hide)
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