

午後1時から定例のOZONE住まいづくりセミナー。今月は3階のOZONEホールで2月25日まで開催中の「暮らしを見つめて手に入れるmy HOME, my STORY展」の会場内で「キッチン計画の必要知識」と題してセミナーを開催。いつもの8階セミナールームとはちょっと勝手が違うが、20名ほどのお客様に熱心にお聞きいただいた。ありがとうございました。

OZONE house development of regular seminars from 13:00. Held a seminar under the heading of "necessary knowledge of kitchen planning" inside the venue "my HOME to get staring at the living, my STORY Exhibition" of being held until February 25 at OZONE Hall on the third floor this month. Is not in someone's line, who eagerly ask customers about 20 people a little to the 8-floor seminar room usual. Thank you all!

Mr.Osawa said it was taken care of a lot When I was doing and consulting Yamagiwa Livina store old came to the seminar, I also talkabout nearly two hours after the coffee shop of the seminar. Today feeling a little tired jaw story nearly four hours convenient followed. Thanks to be able to have a meaningful talk for the first time in a long time worthy of the beginning of the year. (hide)

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