来週28日からいよいよ恒例のJIDAエコデザイン展「Next Eco Design2013」が新宿OZONE3fプラザで12月17日までの3週間にわたって開かれます。
hideの今年の作品「ECO KITCHEN 2013」は「KITCHEN=TABERBA」というキーワードで発表します。「次の時代のキッチンは食べる場だ!」という考えが根幹にあります。
hideの今年の作品「ECO KITCHEN 2013」は「KITCHEN=TABERBA」というキーワードで発表します。「次の時代のキッチンは食べる場だ!」という考えが根幹にあります。
かなり面白いNEXT KITCHENが登場します。乞うご期待!
JIDA Eco Design Exhibition of annual "Next Eco Design2013" will be held over a period of three weeks to 17 December in the Plaza Shinjuku OZONE 3f finally from the 28th next week.
This year's work of hide "ECO KITCHEN 2013" will present the key words "KITCHEN = TABERBA". There is the underlying idea that "the era of the kitchen next!'s TABERBA" and. I have a final check in Nishizaki KOHGEI damage is to ask the trial from evening.
Pretty funny NEXT KITCHEN appeared. Stay tuned to ask! Opening party will be held from 7 pm to 30 days, please join us if you are interested. (hide)
JIDA Eco Design Exhibition of annual "Next Eco Design2013" will be held over a period of three weeks to 17 December in the Plaza Shinjuku OZONE 3f finally from the 28th next week.
This year's work of hide "ECO KITCHEN 2013" will present the key words "KITCHEN = TABERBA". There is the underlying idea that "the era of the kitchen next!'s TABERBA" and. I have a final check in Nishizaki KOHGEI damage is to ask the trial from evening.
Pretty funny NEXT KITCHEN appeared. Stay tuned to ask! Opening party will be held from 7 pm to 30 days, please join us if you are interested. (hide)

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