最高気温が21度という、本格的な秋を思わせる霧雨の降り続く金曜日。 朝からバルコニーの浮いたタイルのハツリ工事がいよいよ始まり,うるさくって仕事にならない。
Maximum temperature of 21 degrees, Friday Due to an all-day drizzle of autumnal full-fledged. Chipping construction of a floating tile balcony from morning starts finally, It is not to work with intense noise.
RoyalGardenCafe lunchtime was a rattle terrace still even after 12 o'clock. It was to sell organic pasta first time around, but it has become seasoned with material that I do not think organic much lately. Seat of the inside to be seen the figure of many foreigner, how the popularity has also gone up.
I went back to the office after finishing the lunch, but the sound of chipping the window is intense indeed, Leave early I decide that I have toward the PC for a while, but to work at home after all. (hide)
Maximum temperature of 21 degrees, Friday Due to an all-day drizzle of autumnal full-fledged. Chipping construction of a floating tile balcony from morning starts finally, It is not to work with intense noise.
RoyalGardenCafe lunchtime was a rattle terrace still even after 12 o'clock. It was to sell organic pasta first time around, but it has become seasoned with material that I do not think organic much lately. Seat of the inside to be seen the figure of many foreigner, how the popularity has also gone up.
I went back to the office after finishing the lunch, but the sound of chipping the window is intense indeed, Leave early I decide that I have toward the PC for a while, but to work at home after all. (hide)
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