9月初めに岐阜のキッチンメーカーNobiliaが主催して開かれたキッチンセミナーのお土産に恵那市大井町の「恵那 川上屋」の栗きんとんをいただきました。
It is October from today so fast !
We received Kurikinton of Ena-Oi town " Ena KAWAKAMIYA " as a souvenir of kitchen seminar opened Kitchen Nobilia of Gifu city is organized in early September .
I really enjoyed by the chestnut rice the other day and I am allowed to pick up the chestnuts under a tree of a large chestnut in the factory of mini kitchen manufacturer Kamei factory in Kamo Sakahogi county town last week .
And for example, get the Kurikinton some duck Yaotsu county town from Toyo kitchen with factory in Seki-shi, Gifu of " green shop well-established " Yesterday , it was every day of chestnut September .
As comparison is difficult rich personality which company was taste the taste of the chestnut also about the same.
I would appreciate your kindness of everyone from the client . And extremely grateful that we had very delicious . It was a three months where you no longer leave this year , thank you I will continue to design work to day-to-day operations . (hide)
9月初めに岐阜のキッチンメーカーNobiliaが主催して開かれたキッチンセミナーのお土産に恵那市大井町の「恵那 川上屋」の栗きんとんをいただきました。
It is October from today so fast !
We received Kurikinton of Ena-Oi town " Ena KAWAKAMIYA " as a souvenir of kitchen seminar opened Kitchen Nobilia of Gifu city is organized in early September .
I really enjoyed by the chestnut rice the other day and I am allowed to pick up the chestnuts under a tree of a large chestnut in the factory of mini kitchen manufacturer Kamei factory in Kamo Sakahogi county town last week .
And for example, get the Kurikinton some duck Yaotsu county town from Toyo kitchen with factory in Seki-shi, Gifu of " green shop well-established " Yesterday , it was every day of chestnut September .
As comparison is difficult rich personality which company was taste the taste of the chestnut also about the same.
I would appreciate your kindness of everyone from the client . And extremely grateful that we had very delicious . It was a three months where you no longer leave this year , thank you I will continue to design work to day-to-day operations . (hide)
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