今年一月にケルンで開かれたLivingKitchen2013の展示会で、AMK(ドイツモダンキッチン協会)から発表されたのが「AMK ergonoMeter」という最適キッチンの高さが簡単に計測できる新兵器でした。
It was a machine that can easily measure the height of the best kitchen of "AMK ergonoMeter" at an exhibition LivingKitchen2013 held in Cologne in January this year, and was announced AMK from (German modern kitchen Association).
This machine you have to send me to ship a container in the case of the import of the kitchen and ask the cooking Plaza Osaka you have ordered at the venue, it has imported Zeyko kitchen arrive finally, framed immediately.
Stand stickers and "I will be an expert for the kitchen that was planned on the basis of ergonomics. Has a scale of optimal good kitchen" and also entered in,.
It is open to consultation of the kitchen on Friday every other week in the kitchen laboratory system, but I would like to propose the best kitchen easy to use for everyone in consultation with this scale. Please apply from the site of the person you would like kitchen consultation. (hide)
This machine you have to send me to ship a container in the case of the import of the kitchen and ask the cooking Plaza Osaka you have ordered at the venue, it has imported Zeyko kitchen arrive finally, framed immediately.
Stand stickers and "I will be an expert for the kitchen that was planned on the basis of ergonomics. Has a scale of optimal good kitchen" and also entered in,.
It is open to consultation of the kitchen on Friday every other week in the kitchen laboratory system, but I would like to propose the best kitchen easy to use for everyone in consultation with this scale. Please apply from the site of the person you would like kitchen consultation. (hide)
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