通勤電車で読む本は時代小説が多いが、今週から読み始めたのは文庫本が発売されたばかりの浅田次郎「終わらざる夏」。玉音放送で終わったはずの戦争だったが、北の果ての占守島に残された日本軍が目にしたものは‥‥。 まだ上巻の第二章までしか読んでいないが、戦争の理不尽さがひしひしと伝わる大作だ。
The book to read on the tram going to work is often aged novel, but "Owarazaru Natsu" of Asada Jiro, I began reading this summer is a war that should have ended with Gyokuon broadcasting, but Japan left in the SENSYUTO island of the End of the Northern what the military saw the ‥ ‥.
I do not read only up to the second chapter of the first volume yet, but it's epic outrageousness of war is transmitted and acutely.
It is strange that thanks to the intense heat of up to about two weeks, it's feels cool and turn off the 30 degrees, but even so hot and humid. Pasta spicy peperoncino is successful the TapasTapas for lunch these days. (hide)
The book to read on the tram going to work is often aged novel, but "Owarazaru Natsu" of Asada Jiro, I began reading this summer is a war that should have ended with Gyokuon broadcasting, but Japan left in the SENSYUTO island of the End of the Northern what the military saw the ‥ ‥.
I do not read only up to the second chapter of the first volume yet, but it's epic outrageousness of war is transmitted and acutely.
It is strange that thanks to the intense heat of up to about two weeks, it's feels cool and turn off the 30 degrees, but even so hot and humid. Pasta spicy peperoncino is successful the TapasTapas for lunch these days. (hide)

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