

渋谷駅の近くで午前中に打合せがあったので、帰りに西武百貨店地下の気になっていた店「南翔饅頭店(Nanxiang Mantou Dian)」で小籠包と担々麺のランチセット1354円を注文。先週末に恵比寿駅近くの「京県樓(JIN DIN ROU)」でも食べたので週に二回も小籠包と担々麺の食事だ。

I had a meeting in the morning near the Shibuya station, I ordered a 1354 yen lunch set of Tantanmen and Shoronpo of Seibu underground to return in "Nanxiang Mantou Dian". Two times a meal of Tantanmen and Shoronpo a week, so I ate "JIN DIN ROU" any of Ebisu station near the end of last week.
It is very difficult compared taste of Shoronpo, but more of this shop good taste just a little more than stop in Ebisu.
Tourists from Europe and the United States in as has back to the city of Shibuya, wearing often the center town. Figure of the Chinese do not come back yet. (hide)

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