日替わりランチは米沢豚の角煮800円。これが非常に美味で五穀米のご飯とみそ汁をお代わりしてしまった。 チョット食べ過ぎの感あり!
Is was the sunny weather in the forecast, it has become soaked by being caught in the rain after pouring enjoyed lunch in ENGAWA.
Daily lunch 800 yen Braised pig Yonezawa. I had to refill the miso soup and rice of staple grains rice this is a very delicious. Yes feeling of eating too little!
New shower head "icon" will arrive from Grohe Japan, I've installed immediately. Features such as massage jet and does not come with this head, but it's very comfortable shower is called the rain is hitting the body widely. (hide)
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