ランチはRoyalGardenCafeのパスタランチ。正午をまわる5分前には店内到着したが、テラス席はひとテーブルだけが空いていた。久しぶりにパスタメニューが変わって三種の魚介のペスカトーレになった。昔のオーガニックな味付けでなく今回もかなり濃厚で塩っぱい。TapasTapasに対抗する必要はないと思うが、どうも味付けが似通ってきたのが残念だ。 (hide)
Huge graffiti is increased on the wall of the organ slope of Tokyu Hands after goldenweek of May, I have to worry about the deterioration in the security situation in Shibuya.
Work to erase the graffiti from last week had begun, but it has begun the process of covering with a net from the wall today. It seems the result of hammering out a way they can not graffiti, but graffiti is weasel pretend I wish me and disappeared in this.
Lunch pasta is RoyalGardenCafe. I arrived 5 minutes before turning the noon, but the terrace was open only person table. It became pescatore of three kinds of seafood pasta menu has changed for the first time in a long time. The salty rich and fairly this time, rather than seasoning organic old. I think there is no need to compete with TapasTapas, but it's a shame seasoned's has been very much similar. (hide)
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