昼過ぎから、汐留のパナソニックビルで、今年4月に開かれるミラノサローネ2013会期中にミラノ大学インテル二 ハイブリッド会場に出展する「Energetic Energies/エネルギーの情景」の展示コンセプト説明会が開かれた。
今朝の新聞で訃報を知った建築写真家「二川幸夫・建築写真の原点 日本の民家一九五五年」展がパナソニックミュージアムで開かれていたのを観てきた。建築写真の美しさを心ゆくまで堪能できる写真展で、60年前の日本の民家の美しさにも心惹かれるものがある。夕方7時から、KDCMの例会を開き8名のメンバーが参加しました。今年の活動計画を練るのが趣旨の例会で、様々な意見が出ました。9時半すぎまで打ち合わせたあと、スペインパブ「CasaDelBueno」で夕食会。久しぶりにシンデレラタイムの帰館となった。お忙しい中を参加いただきありがとうございました。(hide)
From early afternoon, the Panasonic building in Shiodome, briefing concept exhibited at the exhibition hall of the University of Milan hybrid two Intel 2013 Salone del Mobile in Milan during the session to be held in April this year, "the scene of Energetic Energies / energy" was held.
I've been watching "Exhibition 1955 house of origin of architectural photography Japan Yukio Futagawa" architectural photographer knows the obituary in the newspaper this morning that had been held in the museum Panasonic. In the photo exhibition can enjoy the beauty of architectural photography to your heart's content, there is what is also fascinating beauty of a house in Japan 60 years ago.
From 7:00 evening, was attended by eight members of the open meetings KDCM. To plan this year's activities at a regular meeting of the effect, various opinions came out. After arrange with someone until after 9:30, dinner at the SpanishPub "CasaDelBueno". Go back home on cinderella time for the first time in a long time. Thank you for taking the time to participate.(hide)
今朝の新聞で訃報を知った建築写真家「二川幸夫・建築写真の原点 日本の民家一九五五年」展がパナソニックミュージアムで開かれていたのを観てきた。建築写真の美しさを心ゆくまで堪能できる写真展で、60年前の日本の民家の美しさにも心惹かれるものがある。夕方7時から、KDCMの例会を開き8名のメンバーが参加しました。今年の活動計画を練るのが趣旨の例会で、様々な意見が出ました。9時半すぎまで打ち合わせたあと、スペインパブ「CasaDelBueno」で夕食会。久しぶりにシンデレラタイムの帰館となった。お忙しい中を参加いただきありがとうございました。(hide)
From early afternoon, the Panasonic building in Shiodome, briefing concept exhibited at the exhibition hall of the University of Milan hybrid two Intel 2013 Salone del Mobile in Milan during the session to be held in April this year, "the scene of Energetic Energies / energy" was held.
I've been watching "Exhibition 1955 house of origin of architectural photography Japan Yukio Futagawa" architectural photographer knows the obituary in the newspaper this morning that had been held in the museum Panasonic. In the photo exhibition can enjoy the beauty of architectural photography to your heart's content, there is what is also fascinating beauty of a house in Japan 60 years ago.
From 7:00 evening, was attended by eight members of the open meetings KDCM. To plan this year's activities at a regular meeting of the effect, various opinions came out. After arrange with someone until after 9:30, dinner at the SpanishPub "CasaDelBueno". Go back home on cinderella time for the first time in a long time. Thank you for taking the time to participate.(hide)
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