夕方からALNOキッチンの輸入発売元LEKKA TRADINGのMr.PG社長と打合せ。9時前まで打ち合わせたあと新宿近くの魚屋食堂で夕食を楽しむ。1階に魚屋があり2階が飲み屋の珍しい店だ。大衆酒場だがそれなりに旨い刺身がでる。楽しい店でご馳走になりました。(hide)
Day in reversal from yesterday's warmth, cold winter with strong winds also were relapse.
Udon is the best cold weather too. NEGIYA miso noodle stew of things to do warm the cockles of one's heart.
Meeting with the president Mr.Poglajen of LEKKA TRADING importer ALNO kitchen of the evening. I enjoy dinner in the dining room after fishmonger near Shinjuku arrange with someone before 9 o'clock. It's on the second floor of the bar rare shop on the first floor there is a fishmonger. Sashimi is delicious in its own way out, but cheap bar. I became a fun treat in store.(hide)
夕方からALNOキッチンの輸入発売元LEKKA TRADINGのMr.PG社長と打合せ。9時前まで打ち合わせたあと新宿近くの魚屋食堂で夕食を楽しむ。1階に魚屋があり2階が飲み屋の珍しい店だ。大衆酒場だがそれなりに旨い刺身がでる。楽しい店でご馳走になりました。(hide)
Day in reversal from yesterday's warmth, cold winter with strong winds also were relapse.
Udon is the best cold weather too. NEGIYA miso noodle stew of things to do warm the cockles of one's heart.
Meeting with the president Mr.Poglajen of LEKKA TRADING importer ALNO kitchen of the evening. I enjoy dinner in the dining room after fishmonger near Shinjuku arrange with someone before 9 o'clock. It's on the second floor of the bar rare shop on the first floor there is a fishmonger. Sashimi is delicious in its own way out, but cheap bar. I became a fun treat in store.(hide)
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