

昼過ぎから、つくばエクスプレスの「柏の葉キャンパス」駅からタクシーで10分ほど離れたところにある住宅展示場「住まいるパーク柏の葉」へ、ミサワホームが今年度のGマークを授賞した木造軸組工法のMJ WOOD住宅の見学に行った。

From early afternoon to "Kashiwanoha Housing Park" Exhibition residential away about 10 minutes by taxi from the station "Kashiwanoha Campus" of the Tsukuba Express line, MJ WOOD of timber framework method that MisawaHome was awarded the G mark for this year I went to the tour of the house.

I tried to walk the streets of Akiba before get on the train. Two and a half years have passed since as early as Yamagiwa LIVINA shop was closed, but I had never visited in Akihabara and then, for the first time in its upheaval is surprised anew. I've lost appliances that disappeared completely, the eyes washing machines and refrigerators, cooking appliances, etc. that were lined up in the shop in the town of Akiba along Chuo-dori Street.
Kashiwanoha Campus Station but a distance of about 25 minutes each would stop from Akihabara, emerging cities in all, there is an exhibition hall nearby factories and high-rise residential housing in one corner, and is lined with National Cancer Center.

Misawa model of residential housing in taste worthy selection GMark Design Award, tweak the system Yamaha's standard kitchen, use the "Sile Stone" high bactericidal effect work top, kitchen "Toyoura" original sink, a decorative panel on non-combustible "Kyolite" to range hoods, such as the finish scraping wall Silas of "Takachiho SILAS" to finish the wall of the living room, a new approach that makes full use of new materials throughout have been made .

Greetings to the end of the year, I had a dip Moriguchi of "JUHYOYA" with Fuso-cho, Aichi Prefecture from upstream to customers.
Although we have used a dinner today, it dipped significantly different Moriguchi exquisite taste and smell that Moriguchi daikon get around that. Thank you! (hide)




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