

帰りは田園調布行きのシャトルバスで戻ったが、ほとんど満席状態。田園調布の構内にあるCafe Ginoで遅い目のランチ。キノコとツナのアーリオオーリオを注文。オーガニックパスタの味はするが、本日のコーヒーと合わせて1700円!さすが田園調布で信じられないような値段だ。(hide)

The morning and evening was chilly at once, I went to the store of IKEA Kohoku by shuttle bus out to the Shin-Yokohama st..
Living on the second floor showroom scene, but was being renovated towards the full renovation of December 6. Department is opening in the kitchen as usual. NITORI yesterday at 158,000 yen kitchen system, It's to sell 125,000 yen IKEA kitchen systems are different dimensions of frontage.
Anyway, impresses us to have many guests crowded in spite of weekday.
Went back in return shuttle bus Denenchofu, almost fully occupied state. Late lunch at Cafe Gino on the campus of Denenchofu. Organic pasta ArioOrio order of mushrooms and tuna. 1700 yen I together with coffee today!  It is such an incredible price in Denenchofu truly. (hide)

キッチン ガイドhideの最新記事はこちらです!


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