

20名の関係者の方々に参加いただきました、厚く御礼申し上げます。 セミナーのあとはパーティがあり、そのあと近くにあるオイスターバーで2次会。3次会は渋谷の飲み屋でしっかりご馳走になって、帰宅したのはシンデレラタイムを大幅にオーバーした2時過ぎでした。お疲れさまでした!(hide)
Held a seminar entitled "Trends in Kitchen Design" at the venue GLK showroom was opened this spring on the fifth floor from Gotanda Tokyo Design Center from 4:00 pm.
Was attended by 20 people related to the name, I thank thick.
After the seminar there is a party, second party in the oyster bar near then. 3 is made ​​to treat the next meeting at the pub in Shibuya firm, but came home when the two were too greatly over time Cinderella. Were cheers for good work! (hide)
キッチン ガイドhideの最新記事はこちらです!

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