The highest temperature is 23 degrees today of "midsummer day" on the japanese calendar[koyomi]! Signs came as early as fall like that.
A week before that I have Furano melon from[KITANO SOMURIE] , and I soon good condition, knife cut at last!
Good! and Sweet, delicious is the best melons! Where is the part of the most delicious is jelly around the seeds. Will carefully remove the seeds with the tip of the spoon!
世界最高の調理器具ベルギーdemeyere(デメイエレ)社のJohn Powsonシリーズ多層フライパンを使って挑戦!今までに口にした中でも極上と言って良いほどの美味しいアクアパッツアができました。(hide)
Tonight, kitchen duty of hide after a long time! Man's first cuisine is the aquapazza! Fillet of norwegian salmon, clams, prawns, only very simple materials seasoning garlic, fresh tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, paprika, italian parsley, white wine, and bay leaf.
Challenge with a frying pan multilayer demeyere John Powson belgium's the best cookware of the world! Aquapazza is delicious even in the best mouth ever. (hide)
世界最高の調理器具ベルギーdemeyere(デメイエレ)社のJohn Powsonシリーズ多層フライパンを使って挑戦!今までに口にした中でも極上と言って良いほどの美味しいアクアパッツアができました。(hide)
Tonight, kitchen duty of hide after a long time! Man's first cuisine is the aquapazza! Fillet of norwegian salmon, clams, prawns, only very simple materials seasoning garlic, fresh tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, paprika, italian parsley, white wine, and bay leaf.
Challenge with a frying pan multilayer demeyere John Powson belgium's the best cookware of the world! Aquapazza is delicious even in the best mouth ever. (hide)

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