4時半から南新宿のTOTO TECHNICAL CENTER会場に於いて、ミラノサローネトレンドセミナー2014が開かれた。第一部はTRUNKの桐山登士樹代表からミラノサローネから次のトレンドを探ると題した講演。第二部はセラトレーディングの草田氏からSaloneDelBagnoとEuroCucinaのレポート。そのあと6階のテクニカルセンター、7階&8階のTDYショールーム見学など盛りだくさんの内容だった。お二人の講演内容は視点が違った報告なのでとても面白かった。ありがとうございました!セミナーのあと友人たちと西口の「魚河岸バル吉今」で懇親会。遅くまでお疲れさまでした!(hide)
3 ceramic knife that had been scraped out to service center of Kyocera from June 12 came back first time in three weeks.
Shipping and consumption tax included 1,000 yen per one, it's a pretty good price, but scraped is best to ask the manufacturer polishing of ceramic knife will not be finished well even sharpening yourself with a ceramic sharpener 's.
I can see it and try to trial cutting immediately,'s edged firmly.
And in the TOTO TECHNICAL CENTER venue Minamishinjuku from 4:30, Milan Salone 2014 trend seminar was held. The lecture was titled and explore the trend of the following from the Salone del Mobile in Milan from Kiriyama Toshiki representative of TRUNK The first part. The second part of the report and EuroCucina SaloneDelBagno from Mis.Kusada Cera trading. Technical Center on the sixth floor after that, TDY showroom tour of the 7th floor and 8th floor and was the contents of the lots. It was very interesting lecture contents of the two of you because it is reported that point of view is different. Thank you! Social gathering with friends after the seminar of the west exit in the "Uogashi Bar KIKON." It was cheers for good work till late!(hide)
I can see it and try to trial cutting immediately,'s edged firmly.
And in the TOTO TECHNICAL CENTER venue Minamishinjuku from 4:30, Milan Salone 2014 trend seminar was held. The lecture was titled and explore the trend of the following from the Salone del Mobile in Milan from Kiriyama Toshiki representative of TRUNK The first part. The second part of the report and EuroCucina SaloneDelBagno from Mis.Kusada Cera trading. Technical Center on the sixth floor after that, TDY showroom tour of the 7th floor and 8th floor and was the contents of the lots. It was very interesting lecture contents of the two of you because it is reported that point of view is different. Thank you! Social gathering with friends after the seminar of the west exit in the "Uogashi Bar KIKON." It was cheers for good work till late!(hide)
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