9 o'clock in the morning, there was a construction of replacement sash door roller of home apartment Chofu.
Story movement of the sash of this apartment for 30 years have passed just becomes poor, and trying to door roller replacement from about 10 years ago has become the agenda many times in the Council, but this sash manufacturers now in each case you are lost, and it supposed to be that trying to somehow substitute, we have carried out door roller replacement test halfway several times door rollers at the time, so not available anymore, but the same thing in certain sash company this time become a that it has entered the hand, you're doing 5 days-long work the door roller replacement of all dwelling units.
Door roller replacement of my home was Sunday today. Construction itself is simple really, replace the new door roller to remove the lower frame and remove the sash, and then quit the exchange also packing of the sash.
Sash that until now, it was opened and closed brute force began to move lightly lie like.
Sunlight is strong during the day today, and lean in front of the window by issuing the reed screen. I'm glad to me to block the strong sunlight With this much.(hide)
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