

昨夜は、岐阜駅前のHOTEL DORMY-INNに泊まり。部屋からは旧岐阜繊維問屋街の廃墟のような建物が見える。すぐ右手が岐阜駅という最高の立地なのに、再開発計画が上手く進んでいないようだ。地方都市の抱える問題は大きい。

多治見では人間国宝荒川豊蔵氏の 水月窯を見学させていただいた。益子の窯は若い頃から通っていたので知っているが、改めて焼き物づくりの大変さを実感した旅だった。

Last night , it stayed at HOTEL DORMY-INN of Gifuekimae . Building , such as the ruins of the old Gifu fiber wholesale district can be seen from the room . Though it is the best location right hand that immediately Gifu Station , redevelopment plan does not seem to go well . Problems faced by local city is large.
There is only a shower unit rooms for public bath of hot water of the natural hot spring KINKANOYU, but it's comfortable rooms double bed Simmons because it contains . This condition buffet breakfast that's Western . Breakfast It's fine this morning is delicious !
I was looking around the town of pottery of Tajimi and Toki and president of client from 9:00 too .
And I am allowed to visit the living national treasure Toyozo Arakawa kiln in Tajimi . I know of Mashiko kiln because it was through since I was young , but it was travel experience realize the very making of pottery again .
We get a certain Hitsumabushi along the banks of Tokigawa flowing through the city in Tajimi " Unasen " lunch . It was baked eel caught in Tokigawa is a long time ago story of the grandfather of the founder of this shop will be 80years old , but it is so no longer caught at all now . Even so delicious to the best was " Hitsumabushi " . (hide)

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爽やかな香り! 自家製・山椒の薬用酒の作り方





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 ユーロクッチーナに見る世界の最新キッチン Vol.5

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ユーロクッチーナに見る世界の最新キッチン Vol.1



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