隣のビアガーデンは「SHIBUYA BBQテラス」という名で5月25日までの期間限定のバーベキューテラスになっていた。機材と炭は2,000円の基本料金に含まれ、食材も飲料も持ち込みは自由なので地下の食品売り場で買ったものを、バーベキューで楽しめるというシステム。ユニークな方式でちょっと良いかも‥。(hide)
Huge sign of H&M has makeover in the summer version.
Lunch box lunch of rice of YONEHACHI Tokyu head office roof. Roof aspect of midsummer Become a cheerful enough sweat during the day.
Beer garden next door was supposed to barbecue terrace of limited time through May 25 under the name "SHIBUYA BBQ Terrace". Charcoal and equipment is included in the base price of 2,000 yen, systems that enjoy barbecue, what you bought at the food department of underground foodstuff beverage bringing in also because it is free. ‥ be better in a little unique method. (hide)
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