メディア関係の参加者は60 名以上の大盛況でした。約13万坪という広大な敷地の多賀工場では、ドラム式洗濯機、掃除機、IHクッキングヒーター、オーブンレンジ、LED照明、太陽 光発電システム、家庭用ポンプなどの家電機器の製造ラインがあり、その工場棟を3台のバスに分乗して2時間以上かかって見学した。
Mr. Matsuoka of our friend, "HOUBOU sea robin" glad tidings of spring arrived this year.
Riding issue "Hitachi Fresh Express" Joban Line from Ueno's 10:30 in the morning, I was been participating in the tour of the factory Hitachi Taga.
Participants in the media was a great success with more than 60. There is a line of home appliances manufacturing drum type washing machine, vacuum cleaner, IH cooking heaters, microwave ovens, lighting LED, solar power system, such as a pump for home use, a vast factory site Hoops approximately 470,000 square meters, the factory I visited it took more than 2 hours riding separately in three buses a building.
Raised also held the party at a the YOGAI CLUB located near Hitachi factory after the tour.
Came home, tami will have to prepare a dish of sea robin for me, I was allowed to enjoy delicious. Fresh sea robin was good to be the best grilled,sashimi and cooked also. Thank you for the delicious fish. (hide)
メディア関係の参加者は60 名以上の大盛況でした。約13万坪という広大な敷地の多賀工場では、ドラム式洗濯機、掃除機、IHクッキングヒーター、オーブンレンジ、LED照明、太陽 光発電システム、家庭用ポンプなどの家電機器の製造ラインがあり、その工場棟を3台のバスに分乗して2時間以上かかって見学した。
Mr. Matsuoka of our friend, "HOUBOU sea robin" glad tidings of spring arrived this year.
Riding issue "Hitachi Fresh Express" Joban Line from Ueno's 10:30 in the morning, I was been participating in the tour of the factory Hitachi Taga.
Participants in the media was a great success with more than 60. There is a line of home appliances manufacturing drum type washing machine, vacuum cleaner, IH cooking heaters, microwave ovens, lighting LED, solar power system, such as a pump for home use, a vast factory site Hoops approximately 470,000 square meters, the factory I visited it took more than 2 hours riding separately in three buses a building.
Raised also held the party at a the YOGAI CLUB located near Hitachi factory after the tour.
Came home, tami will have to prepare a dish of sea robin for me, I was allowed to enjoy delicious. Fresh sea robin was good to be the best grilled,sashimi and cooked also. Thank you for the delicious fish. (hide)
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