That the same level as mid-May, the cold of ever lie like a warm day.
The lunch is that outdoor course, I enjoyed the lunch terrace RoyalGardenCafe.
I was allowed to talk on the theme of "the world's latest trends in kitchen seen in Cologne LivingKitchen2013" interior trend seminar which was held in the evening from 5:30 OZONE Shinjuku.
Tonight's participants were 63 people people.
We also participated in a large number of friends, also greatly raised social gathering after the seminar. Everyone who join us, thank you. (hide)
That the same level as mid-May, the cold of ever lie like a warm day.
The lunch is that outdoor course, I enjoyed the lunch terrace RoyalGardenCafe.
I was allowed to talk on the theme of "the world's latest trends in kitchen seen in Cologne LivingKitchen2013" interior trend seminar which was held in the evening from 5:30 OZONE Shinjuku.
Tonight's participants were 63 people people.
We also participated in a large number of friends, also greatly raised social gathering after the seminar. Everyone who join us, thank you. (hide)
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