昨夜は岐阜駅近くのHOTEL RESOLに泊まり。部屋からは金華山の頂上にある岐阜城が遠望できる。「今朝も元気だ!朝食が旨い!」の朝食は、昨日ご馳走づくしだったので少しダイエット気味に押さえた。
午後2時から開かれたNobiliaキッチンセミナーは会場は,すぐ近くの愛知県産業労働センター「WINC AICHI」のセミナールーム。40名以上の参加者にお越しいただき昨日同様大いに盛り上がったセミナーとなった。参加いただいた皆様ありがとうございました。
The stay at HOTEL RESOL of Gifu station nearby last night. Gifu Castle at the top of Mt. Kinka can be distant view from the room. Breakfast "I'm fine this morning! Breakfast! Delicious" and, it was kept to a diet feeling a little because it was yesterday Feast blame.
Guided tour of the factory system Kitchen Nobilia morning. Rugged system kitchen features, compared with the domestic kitchen recent 40mm thick worktop using German-made melamine veneer very thick of 2.5mm thickness in comparison with 0.7 ~ 1.2mm, which is commonly used there is a difference considerably with.
Shoronpo, vegetarian buns, glutinous rice dumplings, crab miso spring rolls, pig well-known store in Shanghai small basket parcel in the Midland Square building of Nagoya in "NANSHO MANJUTEN", shrimp soup buckwheat, lunch almond jelly I get a set of dim sum. It was many of dim sum ambrosial. I really enjoyed the meal.
The venue, Nobilia kitchen seminar was held from 2:00 pm Seminar Room Aichi Industry & Labor Center "WINC AICHI" immediately. Became the seminar raised a lot like yesterday for coming to 40 participants or more. Thank you everyone who participated.
Toasting with deep-fried chicken wings original is in the nearby "FURAIBO" After the seminar! Everyone, I was really taken care of the first staff Saeda and Nishimoto president had planned a two-day seminar. Thank you! (hide)

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