いつも心の支えになってくれていた一番仲の良かった従兄の死はかなりショックだ。今夜は逗子の斎場でお通夜。 (hide)
いつも心の支えになってくれていた一番仲の良かった従兄の死はかなりショックだ。今夜は逗子の斎場でお通夜。 (hide)
Cousin who lived in Hayama was sudden death for cancer. I did not show it practice swing at all when you hang out Hayama six months ago, but I was surprised when it was told as "a life of another six months" when it came out to Shibuya on March 18, but three months from it surely the ‥ ‥ it and passed away in less than.
Death of cousin was good most of the terms that have made me spiritual support is always quite shock. Tonight in the funeral wake of Zushi. (hide)
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