ミラノは一日雨で、持ってきた薄手のコートが寒いくらい。ミラノ大学で開かれたINTERNIのプレス発表会に参加した。今年のテーマは「建築とデザインのハイブリッド」。著名な建築家やデザイナーが参加したトークショーにはPanasonicの出展した「ENERGETIC ENERGIES」をデザインした建築家の平田晃久も自分の考えを発信した。
Michelangelo Hotel breakfast but one year, delicious too! I'm fine this morning! Breakfast is delicious. Do not eat too much or a lot?
One day in the rain, cold light coat around Milan brought. I took part in a press conference which was held at the University of INTERNI Politecnico di Milano. This year's theme is "hybrid architecture and design." Talk show prominent architects and designers took part in originating the idea of architect Akihisa Hirata also own that designed the "ENERGETIC ENERGIES" was exhibited in the Panasonic.
Works are often interesting venue, Kitchen chunks of stone appeared "SenSaI" work group called Archizero. Premonition that I can expect this year's Salone starting tomorrow but years of LUCE (lighting). INTERNI souvenirs in the bag was lots of expression and assembly, such as a laptop cooler Ferragamo cologne. Where do you want to go for dinner tonight at 6:30, but now? In thought.
After that, I went to the restaurant for dinner PARMA&CO on the subway out to LANZA, had been checked on the net. I ate bottle of Bruto sparkling wine and a plate of Parma ham (I think probably contain nearly 500g) , a cheese ravioli dish. Although the bread came in a paper bag full, did not eat only two slices. Your account was 39Euro (5,000 yen about in terms of today) eat so much. It was very good was the dive shop. Was a feast! (hide)
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